Sunday, April 29, 2007

Mighty Warriors - 1Chron. 12:14

From 4/28/2007 reading:

"These warriors from Gad were army commanders. The weakest among them could take on a hundred regular troops, and the strongest could take on a thousand!" 1Chron. 12:14

From the exclamation point at the end of this verse, I take this as a declaration by the author: These men were absolutely incredible warriors! Unmatched in their skill; the best of the best, the elite. For a few chapters now there has been detailed description of some of the heroic exploits of David's mightiest warriors (David was no slouch himself!). For some reason, when I have read in the past about Israel going to battle, I never got a picture of phenomenally brave and skillful warriors. I don't know why that is, but the reading for the past three days has hammered the point home for me. These guys were virtually legendary warriors--their skills honed to near perfection. We don't experience this much in western civilization, but to watch these men in action must have been a sight to behold. Again, God provided EXACTLY what was necessary for the times!

Lord, thank you for providing such great examples of men who were willing to fight to the death for you. I pray that I use the skills you have given me with as much talent as your warriors of old.

Today's reading: 2Sam. 3; 1Chron. 12; Mt. 15

Friday, April 27, 2007

Ye Of Little Faith - Mt. 14:15-17

"'Send the crowds away so they can go to the villages and buy food for themselves.' But Jesus replied, 'That isn't necessary--you feed them.' 'Impossible!' they exclaimed." Mt. 14:15-17

I wish I could claim otherwise, but I am just like the disciples. I view the world, and the circumstances of the world, as something separate from God. My immediate reaction is based purely on MY abilities--what I am capable of. How limiting is that?! Shouldn't my reaction be, "Lets see what God does with this."? Because God CAN do anything right? Didn't he come into this world to impact it? Wasn't he intent on using us Christians as a conduit for his power? I do believe this, I just don't live it often enough. That is why I am so motivated every time I have the opportunity to spend time with my friend Mike Bagby (missionary in Nicaragua). No matter the circumstance, his response without fail is, "lets see what God does about this." Before any decision, "lets pray about that." And after experiencing the outcome, "isn't God amazing?" He truly tries to live every moment (he may disagree, but that's how it seems to me!) how God would have him live it, as opposed to how he may feel HE wants to. And the amazing thing is that God ALWAYS comes through--he provides for his every need in the most incredible ways. A lot of freedom in this way of living, I just don't have the faith. I have experienced short periods of this faith-based living, and they were some of the most incredible periods of my life. So what's stopping me? Oh... it's that faith thing again.

God increase my faith, give me the courage to take steps toward you even when I can't see where my foot is going to land.

Today's reading: 2Sam. 2; 1Chron. 11; Ps. 142; Mt. 14

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Blasphemy - Mt. 12:31, 32

"Every sin or blasphemy can be forgiven--except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which can never be forgiven... either in this world or the world to come." Mt. 12:31, 32

Never really understood this, so I thought I'd unpack some thoughts about it. First off, this is a very big statement. And Jesus is very definitive here, he even says that anyone can blaspheme against HIM and be forgiven, but not the Holy Spirit -- what gives?! He seems to be saying that the Holy Spirit carries some level of importance that even HE doesn't have. As I thought more on this, I realized that Jesus was alive while he was saying this! Usually you hear Jesus referring to the Holy Spirit as a helper that he is going to send AFTER he leaves. But obviously the Holy Spirit was alive and well and operating since the beginning of time. This is the same Holy Spirit that gave him the power to perform miracles that could only point to God; it is ONLY by this Holy Spirit that we can ever hope to find salvation; this Holy Spirit IS God! Princeton defines blasphemy as, "the act of depriving something of its sacred character." The Holy Spirit IS the power of God, and it is this power, if blasphemed, that is the unforgivable sin.

God, thank you for sending your Holy Spirit!

Today's reading: 1Sam. 30, 31; 1Chron. 10; Mt. 12

Monday, April 23, 2007

Model Citizen - Mat. 10:16-18

"Be as wary as snakes and harmless as doves... And you must stand trial before governors and kings because you are my followers. This will be your opportunity to tell them about me--yes, to witness to the world." Mat. 10:16-18

Even though Jesus is warning the disciples about what they are in for, he is also describing HIS life here on earth perfectly. He WAS our model citizen! He was always cautious and wary around the Pharisees and the Saducees, deftly handling their arguments and trickery in non-violent, or "harmless" ways. He stood accused before governors and kings and never shied away from presenting the gospel. He looked for every opportunity to "present and pursue." He was very aware that his time was short; he acted with urgency because, "the kingdom of God was at hand..." Even if there are Christians who believe that they are actually doing a good job at living up to Jesus' example (myself EX-cluded), I would question whether any of us really live our lives with the urgency that Jesus could return at ANY moment. I know that I don't. I act like I am going to go on living a very long time, and I know that this gives Satan a foothold. Jesus IS my model, but I am a very weak imitation.

Jesus, I pray that you continue to interrupt my daily living. Slap me around and keep me aware of the urgency of your call, make me wary as a snake to keep from falling into Satan's traps.

Today's reading: 1Sam. 27; Ps. 141; 1Chr. 9; Mat. 10

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Know Your Place - 1Sam. 26:9-11

"Don't kill him. For who can remain innocent after attacking the Lord's anointed one? Surely the Lord will strike down Saul someday... But the Lord forbid that I should kill the one he has anointed." 1Sam. 26:9-11

Saul drove David from his home, falsely accused him, and was actively pursuing him to have him killed. Anyone would agree that David would be justified in killing him if he had the chance -- anyone but David. David's perspective was that no matter what Saul did, God anointed him king, and you don't kill God's anointed--end of story. Until GOD removed him from that position, David was not going to raise a hand against him. No matter the circumstance. Unlike us, who fall into the same sin as Eve everyday by rationalizing something that God has made very clear, David had a genuine fear and respect for God. He knew his position, and he was NOT God. If he was unsure of God's intent, he would err to the side of what he knew for SURE--that if God wanted Saul removed, GOD would find a way; if God wanted David to be king HE would put him there; after all, he is God. One could argue that God was attempting to remove Saul by delivering him into David's hands, but how could you be sure? David couldn't, so he wasn't going to speculate or assume anything. David was not going to do ANYTHING that God don't tell him to do, he was a man after God's own heart. David understood his place relative to God, I think too often I forget who is supposed to be calling the shots.

God, I repent of my pride, my stubbornness, my ego, my thoughts that I am anything but a servant to you. Remove MY will and replace it with yours, show me how to do that; NO! Please do it for me, I am unable.

Today's reading: 1Sam. 25, 26; Ps. 63; Mt. 9

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Patience Young Grasshopper - 1Sam 22:3

"Would you let my father and mother live under royal protection until I know what the Lord is going to do for me?" 1Sam. 22:3

This is David talking to the king in Mizpeh after fleeing from Saul who is trying to kill him. What stands out to me is that David is not going to take any action, make any plans, until he hears from God. He is simply going to wait. What a great lesson for me/us in the NOW generation. Oh we'll pray, but if we don't have an answer in 10 or 15 minutes, we will go ahead with a plan of our own making that we hope God will somehow bless. I need to get better at simply waiting for GOD'S direction; spend time in prayer, maybe even fast--what a concept! David had the faith to KNOW that if he was patient, God would show him what to do. We often complain that we don't see God at work often enough--maybe we are just not waiting long enough.

God, increase my patience and my discipline to wait for you. Give me peace and confidence that you will always come through, bless me with wisdom to make the right decision in every situation.

Today's reading: 1Sam. 22; Ps. 17, 35; Mat. 6

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

You're A Good Man... - Mt. 5:14

"You are the light of the world--like a city on a mountain, glowing in the night for all to see." Mt. 5:14

This verse has always convicted me. I know what Jesus is telling me, that I should stand out FOR HIM in a crowd. That it should be OBVIOUS that I am a Christian, that I should appear different than the rest of the world. The only thing is, I fear that I am none of those things. Oh, I have my moments. I can give wise counsel, lead a Bible study, do good works, serve in the church, reach out to someone in need, even pray like a real pro. But do I SHINE in a dark world? Am I REALLY willing to be different? Am I REALLY willing to sacrifice? Does the world see me as a CHRISTIAN, or am I just another good guy? Sometimes I'm just not sure...

Lord, don't give Satan a foothold in this area of my life, just give me the courage to do what you tell me to do.

Today's reading: 1Sam. 20-21; Ps. 34; Mt. 5

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Fatal Attraction - Ps. 9:20

"Make them tremble in fear, O Lord. Let them know that they are merely human." Ps. 9:20

This seems to be one of man's biggest problems, thinking more of themselves than they should... oh yeah, that's called pride! It just gets us in all kinds of trouble! The operative word in this verse is, "merely." And when compared with God, THAT may even be an overstatement! This was definitely Saul's problem (from yesterday's reading in 1Sam.) when he disobeyed God during his battle with the Amalekites by doing what "seemed" right to him. Then, so blinded by his pride, he goes on to build a monument to himself! Same logic Eve used to justify biting the apple. As Samuel later tells Saul,"Obedience is far better than sacrifice." Man simply does not fear God enough--or at all. Somehow we have convinced ourselves that if we cannot understand something with our finite brains, we do not have to believe... EVERY knee will bow, EVERY tongue confess...

God, keep me from tripping over myself. I pray that you will always give me the strength to be obedient; and when (not if) I fail, bring me quick to repentance. You are an awesome God!

Today's reading: 1Sam. 17; Ps. 9; Mt. 2

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Commitment - 1Sam. 14:43-44

"'I tasted a little honey.' Jonathan admitted. 'It was only a little bit on the end of a stick. Does that deserve death?
'Yes, Jonathan,' Saul said, 'you must die! May God strike me dead if you are not executed for this.'" 1Sam. 14:43-44

This sounds extreme to us in "modern day" society--a death sentence for breaking a fast that you did not even know about?! But these people (at least their leaders) lived with a REAL fear of God. They were absolute in their belief in him, and committed to following his rules to the letter. It also appears that God EXPECTED no less. So... are they extreme, or have we marginalized God so much in our lives that we no longer can identify with what God's true expectations of us really are? Hmmm....

Lord, help me to not rationalize what you are calling me to do. Be absolutely clear, and I will be obedient.

Today's reading: 1Sam. 14; 1Chron. 4; 2Cor. 13

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Pride Redux - 2Cor. 12:7

"But to keep me from getting puffed up, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger from Satan to torment me and keep me from getting proud." 2Cor. 12:7

I am convinced that God does this to all Christians. So problematic is pride in the life of a human, God won't allow his children to think too highly of themselves. If they are honest with themselves, they will easily identify THEIR thorn(s). I often think, "if I can just overcome _________, things will be REALLY good." But that thing/thorn keeps coming back to torment me. This is an influence of Satan that GOD is allowing for my own good. The key is not to hyper focus on this weakness and allow it to drive you AWAY from God; it should be causing you to cling ever more tightly to our Lord and Savior. To understand that it is in our weakness that we are really strong!

Lord, while I understand that you are allowing this thorn to persist, help me to not let my guard down on this sin. Just because it is persistent and recurring, compel me to always repent.

Today's reading: 1Sam 13; 1Chron. 2, 3; 2Cor. 12

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

WMD's - 2Cor. 10:5

"With these weapons we break down every proud argument that keeps people from knowing God." 2Cor. 10:5

These are GOD'S weapons, they are spiritual weapons. Weapons born out of the Holy Spirit--we are talking about prayer or intercession. The key word in this verse is, "proud." When I think of the non-believers in my life, I see very proud people. It is their pride that is blinding them, and is is the most powerful weapon that Satan has in HIS arsenal. It's right back to the Garden again! Pride becomes a lens that colors everything they see, and it seems good at filtering out God. Through intercession, the Holy Spirit gives us the power to break down that pride--it is only on our knees that we will win this battle. With pride removed, they will finally have a fighting chance to make a real decision for Christ. With the lens removed, they can finally see him clearly and accurately.

God, compel me to spend more time doing battle on my knees with words directed to you, than on my feet with words directed to blind people.

Today's reading: 1Sam. 8-10; 2Cor. 10

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Give It Up - 2Cor. 8:11, 12

"Give whatever you can according to what you have. If you are really eager to give, it isn't important how much you are able to give." 2Cor. 8:11, 12

A constant struggle -- how much are we being called to give? Outside of tithing, the Bible is pretty clear that this is a matter of the heart, and is not limited to dollars and cents. Alice always feels that we are not giving enough, I am not so sure. While I agree we could be giving more, I also know that when God asks, we give. So how does one measure success in this area? Whenever there is an opportunity to give, we give--money, time and resources. Could we give more? Yes. Am I eager? Not always. How does one reconcile responsibility to God with responsibility for taking care of the needs of a family? How do I deal with the vagueness of verse 15? Uuugghhh!

God, you really have to help me here -- this has always been a struggle.

Today's reading: 1Sam. 3-5; Ps. 77; 2Cor. 8

Thursday, April 05, 2007

My Weakness... His Strength - 2Cor. 4:7

From 4/4/2007 reading:

"But this precious treasure--this light and power that shines within us--is held in perishable containers, that is, in our weak bodies. So everyone can see that our glorious power is from God and not our own." 2Cor. 4:7

What a perfect plan! We always say, "Why would God choose us to spread such an important message to the entire world? Basically BE the Jesus that they see? Won't they just see the weaknesses and failures and criticize us for that--use it as an excuse to NOT come to Christ?" Possibly. But there is an answer, and Paul outlines it perfectly in 2Cor. 4. God wants his glory to shine through us, and it is our weaknesses that actually MAGNIFY the evidence of his presence in us. The Holy Spirit is a VERY bright light shining in a dark place. If people choose to not see it, Satan has blinded them and they are perishing. Otherwise, the Holy Spirit should be easily seen as it radiates out of our weak and perishable bodies.

Jesus, help me to ALWAYS be willing to allow you to be seen instead of me.

Today's reading: Judg. 19-21; 2Cor. 4

Monday, April 02, 2007

Straight From The Heart - Judg. 16:28

"Sovereign Lord, remember me again. O God, please strengthen me one more time so that I may pay back the Philistines for the loss of my eyes." Judg. 16:28

Sounds like revenge to me! Hardly turning the other cheek, yet God honored Samson's request. I have been having a hard time reconciling God blessing people when they act with (in my eyes) selfish, or even evil, intentions. There is no doubt that God was with Samson, but why? Just so he could wreak havoc in the Philistine camp? Do the ends justify the means? It just seems so contrary to everything Jesus taught. I thought of King David, with all his failures, sins and poor judgement, and God clearly honored and blessed him -- then I remembered... David ALWAYS repented. God loved and blessed him not because he was perfect in his actions or decisions, because he was "a man after my own heart." Not to excuse our actions, because in every case there were clearly consequences for sin, but this is what I feel God is teaching me: IT IS OUR HEARTS THAT HE IS AFTER. He realizes that we will make many mistakes along the way (and he will even work those things for good), and we will learn some painful lessons, but he wants to rule in our hearts!

God, thank you for faithfully teaching me through your word. Thank you for always answering the honest queries of my heart no matter how lame they may be!

Today's reading: Judg. 13-16; 2Cor. 2

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Advice For Living - 1Cor. 16:13-14

"Be on guard. Stand true to what you believe. Be courageous. Be strong. And everything you do must be done with love." 1Cor. 16:13-14

As a soldier for Christ, there could not be better words of advice -- I almost want to paint this passage on the walls of my kids' rooms. It IS a spiritual battle we are dealing with in this lifetime, and we have an enemy who wants us to believe otherwise. That there is no real battle, that there is just life to live day to day. It's the ultimate trap, and it's easy to let your guard down. Satan would like us to believe that it is the "stuff" of life that matters, as opposed to any call that Christ might have for us -- he would rather us be deaf to that voice. "Be on guard, stand true, be courageous, be strong..." Keep your focus on the eternal, not the temporal.

Jesus, thank you for sending the ultimate weapon for living successfully for you on this earth, your Holy Spirit. Please give me eyes to see and a Spirit to feel the traps he lays out for me every day. Give me the courage and the discipline to actually USE the weapons you have given me.

Today's reading: Judg. 9, 10; Ps. 49; 1Cor. 16